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Unifier, the flow

Building a brighter future

Figure 1. The darkness of the whole world cannot extinguish the only light. The current situation Together we can build a brighter future. But to make meaningful suggestions to further support this, we must first speak openly about what is going on (happening) in the world. It seems that there are factions within the world power elite that still want …

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The CelesteMetoden® Step 1,2,3 now running!

The CelesteMetoden® is a three-step program that leads to self-realizationship and an increased consciousness about the Manifested and the Unmanifested universe. The CelesteMetoden restores the Soul Control in a Mind Controlled individual. CelesteMetoden® Information – Raise Consciousness of yourself and the cosmos with the AIC’s Self-Realization and Development Program with the at CelesteMetoden® Step 1. Analysis – Individual Telemetric Health …

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Health & Inner Resource Development

Health membership of Health and Inner Resource Development according to the CelesteMetoden® is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of your mentally ingrained patterns, gender-related and biological (physical) problems of various kinds. The whole of the earthly civilization is faced with a choice of path, which means that we must choose which path we want to follow. We …

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The Free Human Being!

Our latest book, recently published under the title “The Free Human Being”, clearly describes what is happening on earth and why. Life that man has been accustomed to until now, will cease. The majority hope that everything will return to what it was. It will not happen. We have described this in our literature. We entered the New Age, the …

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The light in the tunnel

– the bright societal development can soon begin! When will the ongoing “pandemic crisis” cease? The people of today are mostly completely in the hands of the establishment that controls Radio, TV, Government, Economy, i.e. what we in society are exposed to all the time whether we are aware of it or not. Should the so-called ongoing “pandemic” end and …

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The Social Contract – its validity

It has certainly not escaped anyone that the virus Covid-19, which is said to be so dangerous that the entire world has classified it as a pandemic, will have major consequences for society and us humans. When there is a small suspicion of someone being infected, he is hospitalized for observation. A person, who is at hospital for a wound …

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Covid-19 Hoax

– to install the new world order, the slave community according to the negative Illuminati’s action plan. So far, the extreme mass propaganda machine has flooded the society and world with information of a Corona virus, “Covid-19”, which is said to spread the virus infection rapidly, with usually no or mild symptoms, but where people in Wuhan (China) and Italy …

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Carbon Dioxide Hoax, as a warming agent

Here is an article that shows with laboratory work (scroll down) that carbon dioxide lowers the temperature of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide thus acts as a leveling factor for the climate if increased solar radiation would make the climate warmer. Carbon dioxide counteracts global warming. The world’s oceans are constantly in equilibrium with the atmosphere when it comes to a …

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Man of today cannot lead any evolvement

The picture shows the bird Phoenix. From the ashes in the fire rises the new Human Being and the new Society. You have probably seen in the media or heard on TV how the development seems to rail towards a collapse of society. This takes place in some kind of unison, and as a matter of course – that it …

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Man should be healthy

A fully healthy person has no energy weaknesses, and the energy in the human meridian system flows unhindered and balanced. Today’s human being has incarnated time and time again to the physical planet earth and accumulated experiences in every earthly life. These experiences have been stored as energy and information in the human being’s causally related energy bodies, where the …

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