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Unifier, the flow

The art of launching a dystopian world

– violent computer games, video violence, drugs, wars… The globalists and their companies have been working for millennia to launch a dystopian world that suits only themselves, that benefits themselves, at the expense of people’s health, development, life, entrapment, and comfort – their death. How does it happen? You have learned during your “conformation in the church” that man is …

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Preface to The New World Doctrine

The sound and light originate from the Siljan area in Dalarna, Sweden In 1993, my first book was published in Swedish, under the title “From Barbarism to Super Consciousness“. In 1995, my 2nd book was published as an improved version of the first, under the title “A New Consciousness in a New Time“. In 1996, 1 year later after the …

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The New Timeline 2023-07-07

Enjoy the New! Saint Germain’s Birthday, Dr. Sandor A. Markus is honored, who was born July 7, 1939. 2023 = 2+0+2+3 = 7. = 7/7/7. 7-7-7 indicates Earth’s ascension to a higher timeline (increase of vibration and consciousness).   Today it is the Duty of All to Meditate for the Higher Qualitative Consciousness, Liberation, for the Victory of the Positive …

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Complete Health, Happiness, and Harmony

Figure 1. Sound can be extremely powerful for your evolutionary work (Sound Waves PNG Free Image) Do You Want to Achieve Complete Health and Live the Rest of Your Life in Happiness and Harmony? If You Answer Yes to this question, then you are welcome to our state-of-the-art technologies in Quantum Physics that also treat the cause behind a problem …

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Building a Brighter Future

…all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light from a single Alkywan Light Sphere…  Figure 1: The Alkywan® Photon Sphere Generator (Activator) Technology. The current situation Together we can and must build a brighter future. But to make meaningful suggestions to further support this, we first need to speak frankly about what is happening in the world right …

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The Age of Change

We have previously mentioned in our literature and in our seminars that the entire earthly civilization is heading toward a paradigm shift, a higher qualitative consciousness. We first told about this in our first book “From Barbarism to Super Consciousness“, (A New Consciousness in a New Time), which was published in 1993 by the Caduceus Publishing House AB in Sweden. …

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Arcturians are the Guardians and Healers of Terra

Figure 1. Arcturian Man and Woman. They have bright bluish appearance. The Arcturians are our galaxy guardians (protectors) and healers. They help people who want to become free and transcend into the 5D dimension or beyond. Arcturians help everyone who is interested in their original spiritual development. Alkywan® Photon Energy is the world’s most intelligent and powerful healing method. This …

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Digital Holographic Image Technology is a completely new method in Wellness – Preventive Health Care

A picture can say more than a thousand words OUR SCALAR WAVE-BASED QUANTUM AWARENESS & QUANTUM HARMONIZATION TECHNOLOGY IS THE LATEST IN HEALTH AND INNER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT. The latest space technology used by Matrix Innovation and the involves the use of digital camera image of a human being or animal to obtain information about the complete spiritual, mental, emotional, and …

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Alkywan® Photon Energy Generator

  Figure 1. Alkywan® Photon Sphere Generator Alkywan® Photon Energy Generator is the World’s Most Intelligent and Powerful Healing Technology My name is Sandor A Markus, and I was born on July 7, 1939, in Budapest, Hungary. I grew up in the countryside next to the Hungarian pusta (steppe). My mission began a few weeks after my school graduation in …

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Better Health and Increased Awareness

We have previously mentioned in our lectures and literatures, that our entire civilization is in a total process of restructuring. This means that everything that belongs to the past, perishable in existence until now is being restructured due to the increased influence of photon energy (life energy) from the central sun. This affects our entire galaxy including our solar system …

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