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The art of launching a dystopian world

– violent computer games, video violence, drugs, wars…

The globalists and their companies have been working for millennia to launch a dystopian world that suits only themselves, that benefits themselves, at the expense of people’s health, development, life, entrapment, and comfort – their death.

How does it happen?

You have learned during your “conformation in the church” that man is created in the image of God…

That’s exactly how it is. The basic program of all creation is the human program, for everything, but at different levels of development, evolvement. As a soul, we have a companion – the mind. With the mind as a tool, we can create a kingdom of heaven – or a dystopian hell.

The globalists want us to create a dystopian hell – from which we will not be able to get out…and we will be totally controlled…

Have you considered what occupies your thought activity – that it becomes your reality. On our earth today with our collective consciousness we have our image as our reality – do you consider it good?

Now, still, the Globalists aren’t satisfied – they have far-reaching plans and are working frantically to create a total prison for us. We have written about this in the book “The Matrix Reality” – published in 2017 (a lot of resistance there – which shows that we are “on the spot”).

For the Globalists, it has always been interesting to create conflicts, wars, to distort our perception of what is right and wrong – often in such a way as to launch the conscientious, logical, right as wrong, immoral, and dangerous. This has meant that today we have a healthcare system that guides people to death, a school that teaches children a lot of cramming nonsense, a state that is totally corrupt and fake, etc., but we have been given the idea via the media that all of this is right, true and the best for us…

If you want to stage a dystopian world, where we are all mentally imprisoned and where we are all really bad emotionally, where anyone can be eliminated with just a push of a button – then you have to do exactly what today’s elite do – where the people or their running boys understand very little of what this leads to… but they are very enthusiastic… It is so much more to say about this… but today we will look at video game violence, movie violence and drugs…

If we want to create a prison for the masses, then we must have control over what they think and be able to plant new “sensible” thoughts on a collective level. This is quite possible and has been done since millennia.

The more trauma we’ve been exposed to throughout history, the more ingrained we are – we become malleable, so we have to be exposed to trauma, conflicts and being led to believe that the race over there, that it’s crazy, dangerous and needs to be eliminated – that is default. Look at the Germans and the French in World War I, shooting at each other from trenches. They shot at each other, without talking to each other, because the other party was so dangerous. Man was led into battle, because war was such a glorified adventure – so exciting…

Today the wars are the same, they are tried to be staged in the same way. Today we are to be made to believe that the Russian are dangerous and stupid and must be eliminated. Have you talked with them? Via the media we are served one lie after another…have you forgotten that in war the first victim is truth itself…nothing is right…but we must have war…or…do you seriously believe that people really want war?

We get tangled up mentally all the time…
There is a plan behind everything… and we must become extremely aware of a “climate crisis”, “covid-19 scenario”, transhumanism, that it is the (new) normal, that the Russians are stupid, the Chinese… etc… etc… we are fed this all the time…

To tangle up our consciousness even more and launch the dystopian world, people occupy themselves with thinking “right”, i.e., in terms of violence, how to navigate violence, and how to react quickly to liquidate anyone, actually…

We must be trained to play violent computer games, where we find ourselves in strange, and dystopian realities, actually designed just the way the elite want us to experience our reality – because it suits them. Children are trained through these computer games to kill quickly, brutally and this occupies their minds. The studies at school “or real school as it could be” – are not as interesting. It is said that children can distinguish between reality and video violence. Wrong, they can’t because their reality is what occupies them… they’re in a culture of violence, where the blood splashes, etc. If you are a psychologist or psychiatrist and do not agree with what is written here, you should be stripped of your license immediately. Today, psychologists or psychiatrists have no idea who their employer is – and what is the purpose of their own work… most psychologists and psychiatrists have chosen their profession precisely because they want to come to terms with their own irregularities… but now they work by “helping” other people who have had their minds confused and adjusted… the “sick“ help the “sick” – completely in line with true Globalist thinking… the tree is completely turned upside down…

To further tangle up people’s minds, one must of course ensure that they take drugs, preferably a lot, until they finally die (but before that they must be allowed to tell others what is right or wrong – preferably through a high position in society). This cannot be expressed openly… it would be strange, when we know that people are completely destroyed and eventually die from drugs…

Allowing one’s mind to become so warped by violence and strangeness, drugging the mind so that the mind opens channels colored by its own mental traumas making the person mentally ill for real, even more confused, such a person has no idea of his own compass direction, and can be made to do just about anything only the magnets are set..

Imagine the leaders today, i.e., those who really lead our society, with the help of minions at various levels, work to stage their wishful world – a dystopian world that only benefits themselves but is hostile to all life and even the planet earth itself, as well as other planets and constellations that depend on how we think. All are parts of the whole – that’s why it’s so important to heal and make healthy our part of the universe here.

If those in power want us to think in a particular way, that this is to be “the truth”, the “new normal”, then they must work long in advance. They plant their wishful world through computer games, video violence and let this slowly be staged in today’s politics and in how we should be made to look at different things…

Look at the computer games your children play, and you know how the Globalists want them to think. If say 50 % of today’s children play violent video games, watch violent TV, etc… then you know how the world will turn out – the way it is now…because today’s world, whatever it may contain, is exactly a reflection of what people think, what they have thought for millennia – Are we happy with this?

Today’s society contains conflicts within family, between families, within the city, between cities, between groups in the country, between countries and the conflicts do not stop there, and prejudices accelerate more and more…the exchange of words has changed, the school situation has changed, mental conditions of people have worsened, lies are spreading more and more. Lies are held under arms and showed up as truth – nothing is what it seems…not in any area. We can say that the planet earth has truly become the planet of fools – and we are really in need of help – like a malignant cancerous tumor that needs to be treated urgently…but by whom…!?

The war is reaching its climax now – which side will you be on – the side of dystopia, violence, further mind confusion, war, or on the other side where you systematically work to get rid of your mind programming, spend time with healthy friends and evolving away from the “reality” that the Globalists want you to adopt.

People are getting really tired of this world that is being rolled out on the TV screens – they want a change, but they are so completely deceived by their mind programming, collective mind programming that they cannot see through it, even if they consider themselves “awake”. You should know that the Globalists work on many more fronts – comprehensive – and they haven’t forgotten any front – and they work as best as they can with everyone, in their conscious everyday life and in their subconscious everyday life 24 hours a day, year in and year out… you cannot even in your wildest imagination imagine how thorough they are…

What you think about is the reality you have within yourself. On a collective level we have the “reality” of crises such as wars, diseases, climate crises, economic crises, threats to people, property on all fronts and directed in all possible directions.

You should know that if you shoot Nazi zombies in computer games and dwell on it – you contribute to opening a dimensional portal where you invite these very beings. These beings will occupy you and your surroundings. Many new phenomena are happening now, with new types of entities entering our world. You invite them…our world will be as you think. The more people shoot Nazi zombies, the more influence Nazi zombies will have over us and people will be further affected…don’t you believe me?

…there are portals everywhere on the planet, mostly bringing in negative entities and inspiration. Wherever there is war there is opening via portals where we have the direct influence of negative influences from behind the scenes, dimensions. Do you think people want war? Some people live with their consciousnesses at war and these consciousnesses attract similar entities, hence war. They gather in the very places where there are portals opened (which they themselves may have helped to open, unknowingly) and extra influence of similar phenomena – so these wars – all – are a result of what people think, how their mind programming is configured. The more people who believe the Russians are evil, the more a similar reality we attract from behind the scenes, from spiritual portals right into our reality. Who is to blame? – Answer: those who think accordingly – they are all complicit also in causing others to believe and think accordingly, more people get guilty – they are all part of the collective cancerous tumor. All wars work the same way, and it always has to do with how people think – the Globalists play on people’s fears by any means to bring their reality in, which they have as their goal – a dystopian reality of global dimensions – for the entire planet.

The final battle is now. Although humans are unwitting pawns in this game, the Globalists will not succeed in their Agenda 21, 2030 and New World Order – which they have done anything to stage, and they are guarding by any means imaginable, their lies.

It is now clear that the Globalists will lose. Their time on this planet is now up and they must leave. They know about this themselves, but they don’t give in without leaving behind as much chaos as they possibly can, and with the help of their the so-called “useful idiots” – i.e., basically ordinary people at different levels.

We now have more cosmic influence in our solar system which gives us entry into a New Age (already in 2012). Here we have a lot of help from the outside from higher evolved worlds, which do not want a dystopian influence on their own realities, in their own worlds – this is precisely why the conflict on earth right now is very important for all people who are to develop towards new heights. In ”Star Wars”, the good must win as it is said. Because it is precisely “Star Wars” that is being played out here, as everywhere. This conflict is as old as the universe itself, as the human program – as creation.

Without this conflict, there will be no development of our consciousness. But the weighing scale must not tip too much in any direction…

Think harmonious and true and the reality of the world becomes harmonious and true…you just need to know what is harmonious and true – that’s why you must deprogram your mind. You don’t need more programming.

Think dystopian, conflict oriented, sick and you get a dystopian world. You who really want such a world, and are busy with it, you will have the opportunity now to leave this world of ours and incarnate the next time in precisely a dystopian world, which corresponds to your inner qualities and thinking – because it is just like this that “reality” works…

Think brightly and well about others – and it will be better – seek consensus, harmony and you will have an excellent opportunity to develop your awareness towards heights you could never even dream of. There are many higher evolved qualitative beings here now in our earthly corner who have helped you for millions of years and who are now working more than ever – and even more being are joining our liberation army – the winning side in our place in universe. The conflict moves elsewhere.

The earth will be healed…

Sandor Markus, Ph.D., MD (MA)., D.D. Sacred Theology
Ann-Sofie Hammarbäck, B.A., D.D. Sacred Theology
Lars Helge Swahn, M.Sc