Breaking News

Sandor A. Markus

Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes Trismegistus stands on the globe. In his right hand he holds a roll of papyrus. The origin of man is written on the papyrus roll. On the right side of Hermes we can see the Hermes or Caduceus staff, around which two snakes meander, one White and one Black snake. The white snake (Pingala) symbolizes the parasympathetic nervous system …

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The next decades

What will happen on earth in the coming decades? Our entire earthly civilization is on the verge of a total catastrophe if it doesn’t change direction. This means a change in human consciousness from its symptom-related 3D perception of reality, to a 5D cause-related level of consciousness. For the first time in the Earth’s many thousands of years of history, …

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The Consciousness of the New Age

The 21st century began at the winter solstice on December 21-23, 2012 when our solar system and our planet (Earth) crossed the equatorial line in our galaxy and entered a giant photon belt (light belt) around Alcyone in the Pleiadian star system. This event, which occurs every 26,000 years, indicates the end of earlier ages, of which the previous one …

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You are responsible for your own health!

Dear AIC and Health Members! Now as we have entered the year 2022, the Covid-19/20/21/22 scenario will continue. There will be no interruption yet. Those who will survive on earth are those who take responsibility for their own health and disbelieve that healthcare or society will do so. We have all contributed to our own health situation regardless of whether …

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Your continued health

Dear Members! Here is some information about Covid-19/20/21/22 that you should know before the New Year since the fictional scenario concerning Covid-19 will continue for a while. This will continue until most of the world’s population has been vaccinated. Most people are like robots. They do what they are told to do. They have not thought about that none of …

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E. coli and colloidal silver

It is well documented that E. Coli can be transmitted from person to person. Wash your hands twice or more with soap. What is E. Coli Escherichia coli commonly abbreviated E. coli is named after Theodor Escherich. E. coli is a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is usually found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms (endotherms). Most E. coli strains …

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Evolve yourself!

Each person has an individual quality, personal potential for sustainable harmony and happiness in life! All people have at some point in their life dreamed or fantasized about a meaningful life, which would lead them to happiness and harmony. Unfortunately, very few people have so far succeeded in achieving this goal because they have been misled by the lower quality …

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Professor Konstantin Meyl on Scalar Waves

Prof. Dr-Ing Konstantin Meyl has gone into the science behind Nikola Tesla’s experiment and explains what this science means. There are opportunities for wireless energy with a possible efficiency of over 100% as energy can be obtained directly from the environment. As at the time of Tesla, the elite don’t want this science and technology to benefit the people. It’s …

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Matrix Innovation & AIC in Sweden is a leader in Scalar Wave Medical Analysis and Therapy Program

Scalar wave medicine that we apply within Matrix Innovation and AIC, transmits medicines and therapy effects wirelessly to clients (humans) regardless of distance. Pain is relieved, illness disappears, well-being increases. There are no side effects. We are in a completely new paradigm (changed thought structure) when it comes to different kinds of therapies and medication. Our medications, therapies and herbal …

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Your destiny you create here and now!!!

Many people routinely believe that some higher power that they call GOD or GURU (Teacher) shapes their destiny. The individual puts all his faith in this so-called DIVINE POWER that it controls and manages their life and destiny, but also that the same power creates galaxies, solar systems and planets. From a metaphysical point of view, it is about two …

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