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Sandor A. Markus

Health Care of the Future

The Health Care of the Future is Individually Based Harmonization! Figure 1. The human brain is the most powerful quantum computer that has ever existed. Everything that exists within creation is Energy and Information consisting of frequencies. The brain is the most powerful Quantum Computer and handles all information and communication that sustains life in our cells, organism and body. …

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What is the Akasha Chronicle?

The 5D (Five-Dimensional) Collective Consciousness – The Field of Unity The first to name the Akasha Chronicle in the Western World was the founder of theosophy Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891). She stated that it is a world chronicle where everything is recorded. The name “Akasha” means in Sanskrit “heaven, space, ether“. But Helena Petrovna Blavatsky also called it the Memory …

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CelesteMetoden® Quantum Analyzer & Quantum Harmonizer

Image from (link): Our Multifunctional Quantum Analyzer & Quantum Harmonizer gnostizes diseases, imbalances / weaknesses that can lead to diseases. We scan the body at DNA, RNA, Cell and Organ level. There are no other methods today that can find diseases at the same early stage as our Multifunctional Quantum Analyzer. Our automated Multifunctional Quantum Analyzer & Quantum Harmonizer …

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Train for Higher Consciousness!

Message from Andromeda, Arcturus and the Pleiades Beings from Andromeda, Arcturus and the Pleiades have an urgent message for the inhabitants of the earth. These beings are here now to help us with the transition to the next density level. But they will not show up or help us unless we do the part required by us first. We humans …

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Building a brighter future

Figure 1. The darkness of the whole world cannot extinguish the only light. The current situation Together we can build a brighter future. But to make meaningful suggestions to further support this, we must first speak openly about what is going on (happening) in the world. It seems that there are factions within the world power elite that still want …

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Health & Inner Resource Development

Health membership of Health and Inner Resource Development according to the CelesteMetoden® is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of your mentally ingrained patterns, gender-related and biological (physical) problems of various kinds. The whole of the earthly civilization is faced with a choice of path, which means that we must choose which path we want to follow. We …

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The Free Human Being!

Our latest book, recently published under the title “The Free Human Being”, clearly describes what is happening on earth and why. Life that man has been accustomed to until now, will cease. The majority hope that everything will return to what it was. It will not happen. We have described this in our literature. We entered the New Age, the …

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The Matrix Reality

Man is a mind controlled intellectual robot living in a programmed reality By Dr. Sandor A. Markus, Lars Helge Swahn The book that no one can be without! The book you are holding in your hand is not just any book. It reveals what is happening behind the scenes that only a few people have heard of or know about …

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Awakening to a New World in a New Time

Initiation – Are we ready? When there is an empty feeling deep within us, which we cannot explain; when things that once gave joy now seem to be everyday, boring and worthless; when restlessness falls into our system and we ask questions about things that we have not previously been aware of; when the need within us to look for …

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The Human Cosmic Heritage – Inner Design

What is meant by Cosmic Heritage, Predisposition or Inner Design? The simple answer is that our “Cosmic Heritage” – “Inner Design” is encoded into our DNA matrix and is about our way of making different decisions in life. Our choice in life is governed by the Mind – Intellect, and not by our consistent self or (soul) consciousness, which constitutes …

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