Earth has entered a new age, the Aquarian Age, which implies major changes for both humanity and nature. The Piscean Age was the end of man’s emotional development. This period has resulted in the development of emotional willing, emotional thinking and emotional actions. This has caused sufferings for humanity and problems of different kinds. During the New Age, the Aquarian …
Read More »Sandor A. Markus
Unifier’s message for 2015
The Spiritual Master Teacher – Unifier’s message to Mankind from the “Northern Pontifical Academy”, in 2015. The entire earthly civilization is on the threshold of its doom if nothing is done. Egoism, lust for power, greed, vanity, lust, etc. dominate the human mind, his thinking and acting. These characteristics are completely contradictory to the laws of the cosmos and all human …
Read More »Womens’ role during the new era
Until now, we have lived in an age of male dominance and women had a subordinate role. This was of course not the purpose from the beginning, but rather a result of ignorance and unconsciousness. The situation for women didn’t improve when religion started to have influence. Women had to keep silent in whatever matter. Her task was just as …
Read More »Unifier’s message for 2014
THE WORLD DOCTRINE. Change Your Consciousness – Change the World. The earthly civilization is on the threshold of a New Age, a Golden Age – a transition to a future that represents a paradigmatic shift, a change of thought structure and consciousness. This has never happened before in man’s 26,000 years of history on this planet. What we so far have …
Read More »More teachers than students?
We are living in a time of awakening, which means that we have passed a period of about 26000 years. This has also been confirmed in the Mayan Calendar and similar prophesies. We have finished a period of involution i.e. the exploration of matter, form. We have learned everything that is possible in this three-dimensional material world. Now in the …
Read More »The Northern Pontifical Academy
The Northern Pontifical Academy (NPA). The Gnostic Christian Church of the First Christians of Antioch Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate (Apostolically founded in Ecuador thereby in 1968). Government Approved and Registered as a Mystical Order in 1975. No. 1725. The Gnostic Teachings is supervised by “The Spiritual Master Teacher – Unifier” – Dr. Sandor A. Markus and Ann-Sofie Hammarbäck – whose role in the …
Read More »The Spiritual Master Teacher, Unifier
Seers have since long foretold that the Spiritual Master Teacher – Unifier will come from the Nordic countries to initiate the New Age, “The Golden Age” for humanity, and finish what Christ began about 2.160 years ago at the entering of the Piscean Age through John the Baptist. This time, Sweden has been chosen as the place for the appearance …
Read More »How to change fate for the better?
Are we humans able to change our fate for the better? Of course we can do it, but in order do so, it’s important that we understand what we should change and why. So far, we’ve been living a life characterized by intellectualism and cramming and the understanding of information of different kinds. However, an intellectual understanding of life isn’t the …
Read More »What is the meaning of life?
What is the meaning of life? Can everyone learn this in their present life? The cosmic meaning of life is the following – that from an unconscious consciousness of life and creation evolve and learn the causal relationship behind life, creation and manifestation and reach omniscience, a higher quality multi-dimensional omniscience…
Read More »Change yourself and change the world
If we stop for a few seconds from all the stress, anxiety, indoctrination and material strife, that makes up our everyday life, and notice what is happening around us, then we can see how our present world is changing at a furious speed, i.e. what has been a matter of course until now, no longer applies in the same way. …
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